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Section 2:  Creating a Recovery Vision

Creating a Recovery Vision is where I’m coming to terms with the concepts around recovery and putting them together so that I understood why what we were doing was working.  It contains the heart of my work, the “A Road to Recovery.”  It’s my “signature” lecture and contains most of my best stories.  We’ve sold or given away hundreds of copies of it as a small book.  It’s even been translated into Japanese.  In my opinion, its “Kubler-Ross style” four stages of recovery formulation is still my major contribution to making recovery understandable.  If you’re going to skip around, you probably want to start with it.  This Chapter also contains articles where I’m trying to demystify recovery and make it more accessible to typical professional audiences.

Recovery with Severe Mental Illness:  Changing From a Medical Model to a Recovery Model – 1995

My first detailed exploration of the recovery model for mental health building on other models of recovery  


The Four Stages of Recovery - 2002

Brief overview of my “Kubler-Ross” four stages of recovery, used for handouts


A Road to Recovery - 2002 

My short book about recovery with the four stages, lots of stories, and practice implications.  


Person Centered vs. Illness Centered – 2006

The most important transformation in the recovery model is from illness centered to person centered; both for values and practice


We Treat Chronic Illnesses, Don’t We? - 2006

An article introducing recovery to highly medical model staff, meeting them where they are at - treating illnesses as well as they can and proud of it


My Supporting Roles in Stories of Recovery – 2010

An analysis of different literary narrative story lines and how they apply to different roles staff play in promoting recovery


What’s Really Different About Recovery? A Case Study - 2011

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